2025 Members

Dan Bachalis, Chair
Terri Caruso-Cafiso, Vice-Chair
Michael Hozik, PhD.
Amy Menzel
Charles Crowley
Steven Carr
Chris Bethmann
Joseph Berenato, Alternate
Ryan Niedoba, Alternate
Kelly Vitalo, Secretary

Environmental Commission
2nd Wednesday – 7:00 PM



Helpful Links

The Hammonton Environmental Commission was established in 1975. In addition to its primary role in advising the Town’s Joint Land Use Board. The Commission’s role is to promote the conservation and development of the environmental quality of the Town of Hammonton. It also functions as the Town’s Shade Tree Commission and maintains jurisdiction over the town’s significant trees.

Please direct any questions or comments to info@townofhammonton.org with “Environmental Commission” in the subject line.

The Town of Hammonton has been certified as a Tree City, USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for the third year in a row! The designation recognizes the commitment Hammonton has made to cultivating and caring for its trees.  This commitment includes operating a Municipal Tree Bank for future street tree and park plantings, recycling residential brush and leaves as mulch for area farms, distributing free tree seedlings to elementary school students and other residents, and working with town residents in recommending and selecting trees native to the area to enhance our local environment and protect threatened pollinator and other species. For more information about the Tree City USA program and the Arbor Day Foundation, click here: www.arborday.org

Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes 2025

Environmental Commission Meeting Minutes 2024