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149th Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Festival • Buona Festa!

Mt. Carmel Carnival Grounds 3rd and French Streets, Hammonton

149th Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Festival Longest running Italian Festival in the Country Food Stand • Beer Garden • Live Entertainment • Fireworks *** Feast Day: Tuesday, July 16th, 2024 *** Procession begins at 4pm from Third and French St. and will follow the traditional route through the streets of Hammonton. Food stand is open for lunch 11am to 1:30pm on weekdays and nightly at 5pm throughout the week. On the Feast Day, July 16th, the stand will be open at 11am. Menu: Screenshot Beer Garden Rules: No back packs  •  All bags subject to search  •   No [...]

Parks Commission Meeting • Cancelled

The Parks and Recreation meeting on Tuesday, July 16th has been cancelled. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 7 p.m.